MMS Friends

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Marquis De Sade

I finally got around to seeing Quills, the brilliant movie about the Marquis De Sade. First of all, actor Geoffrey Rush can do no wrong. His interpretation of Sade was compelling and without apology. (He also impressed me as Peter Sellers.) I thought the script of Quills was a perfect slice of drama to capture onscreen. I loved the open-minded dialogue involved in freedom of sexual expression. And Kate Winslet is hot cha cha as the virginal laundry lass who rebelliously helps get the Sade’s words published.

Being a thespian enthusiast, I first heard of the Marquis when I saw the film, Marat Sade- The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade. The film intrigued and discombobulated me. In other words, I loved it.

I also ran across Sade in my favorite comic, The Invisibles. He actually was a bit of a running character in that one. Frightening and seductive.

I am proud to mention that the Stockroom carries several of Sade’s books. How could we not? After all, sadism is named after the guy. I think the Marquis would have loved the Stockroom. In fact, I am sure he would have been our best customer. We’ve got 120 Days of Sodom, Justine, Juliette, and a book about his wife and mother-in-law called At Home with the Marquis De Sade. Read at your own risk!


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